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PC Raja Basharat Ahmed Anniversary

PC Raja Basharat Ahmed Anniversary

On the occasion of the anniversary of Police Constable Raja Basharat Ahmed’s tragic death our Trustee Mr. Steve Lloyd joined members of the officer’s family, senior Greater Manchester Police officers,Civic dignitaries and members of the public at the Trust’s memorial...

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Press Release – November 18th, 2020

Press Release – November 18th, 2020

To mark the 15th anniversary of the building of the UK’s National Police Memorial in 2005, The Police Memorial Trust are proud to announce the launch of their new website. The specially built website gives a unique insight into the work undertaken by the Trust over...

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Younger Generation Pay Tribute To Fallen Hero

Younger Generation Pay Tribute To Fallen Hero

A group of Metropolitan Police Service volunteer police cadets based in Havering have paid a special visit to the historic Palace of Westminster to pay tribute to Police Constable Keith Palmer GM who was murdered in March 2017. The cadets formed at The Police Memorial...

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Specially Commissioned Memorial Mementos

Specially Commissioned Memorial Mementos

Mrs. Michael Winner, Chairman of The Police Memorial Trust, presents specially commissioned memorial mementos to the widow and daughter of the late Police Constable Malcolm Walker of the West Midlands Police. The officer was killed in October 2001 whilst on motorcycle...

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Special Visitors to the National Police Memorial

Special Visitors to the National Police Memorial

Senior American Police Officers visit UK’s The National Police Memorial. During their recent visit to Britain senior members of the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police made time in their busy schedule to make a special visit to the UK’s National Police...

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PC Keith Palmer, GM

PC Keith Palmer, GM

Special Announcement **UPDATE 05-03-2019** - PC Keith Palmer's Memorial was unveiled on February 20th 2019 - Please CLICK HERE for more details. The Police Memorial Trust can now confirm publicly for the first time that we are to place the Nation’s memorial to P.C...

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Damage to WPC Yvonne Fletcher’s Memorial

Damage to WPC Yvonne Fletcher’s Memorial

Following the despicable act of criminal damage to WPC Yvonne Fletcher’s memorial the Police Memorial Trust would like to thank all the people who have contacted us with offers of help and very kind words of support. We will have to temporarily remove Yvonne’s...

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Trust Invited to Firefighters Memorial Service

Trust Invited to Firefighters Memorial Service

Increasingly forgotten, as time passes, is the fact that prior to the formation of the National Fire Service in August 1941 Fire Brigades were operated by the Police Service. Local authorities realised that in disciplined and trained police officers they had the...

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National Police Memorial Day

National Police Memorial Day

The featured image shows The Police Memorial Trust Chair, Mrs. Michael Winner with fellow Trustee Mr. Steve Lloyd and former Trustee Mr. Sid Mackay attending the 2016 National Police Memorial Day service at St Paul's cathedral, London. The National Police Memorial was...

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Head, Wombwell and Fox 50th Anniversary

Head, Wombwell and Fox 50th Anniversary

Detective Sergeant Christopher Head, Detective Constable David Wombwell and PC Geoffrey Fox 50th AnniversaryRefurbished memorial for Detective Sergeant Christopher Head, Detective Constable David Wombwell and PC Geoffrey Fox. This was finished in time to commemorate...

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