PC Geoffrey Fox

PC Geoffrey Fox
41 years old

12th August 1966

metropolitan police logo

Metropolitan Police

After taking part in an armed robbery a gang was spotted by the three officers. Sgt. Head and Det. Con. Wombwell approached the driver of the vehicle, to ask him about his driving documents. As Det. Con. Wombwell was writing in his notebook, the front seat passenger, took out a Luger pistol and shot him. Sgt Head ran back towards the police car but he too was shot by Roberts. Their colleague PC Fox was killed by another member of the gang.

PC Geoffrey Fox

Memorial – Unveiled 29th June 1988
at Braybrook Street, Shepherd’s Bush, London

Unveiling Photos – 29th June 1988
at Braybrook Street, Shepherd’s Bush, London

Ceremony Programme

Fox Head Wombwell Memorial Programme 1
Fox Head Wombwell Memorial Programme 3
Fox Head Wombwell Memorial Programme 2
Fox Head Wombwell Memorial Programme 4
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46 Braybrook St Murders

H&F News Article – June 30th 2009 – Download PDF

BBC News



Fox Head Wombwell Letter 1
Fox Head Wombwell Letter 3
Fox Head Wombwell Letter 2

Location Map

Sergeant Christopher Head, PC Geoffrey Fox, PC David Wombwell Police Memorial

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