PC William Barker

PC William Barker
20th November 2009
44 years old

cumbria constabulary logo

Cumbria Police

PC Barker had gone out on foot to direct motorists off the Northside bridge, which crosses the Derwent in Workington, when it gave way and swept him into the water. The devastating floods recorded the highest level of rainfall measured in England since records began. PC Barker was posthumously awarded the Queen’s Commendation for Brave Conduct in March 2012.

PC William Barker

Memorial – Unveiled 29th June 2012
at Workington’s Curwen Park, Cumbria

Unveiling Photos – 29th June 2012
at Workington’s Curwen Park, Cumbria

Location Map

Curwen Park, Cumbria

Memorial Street View

(click to view)

PC William Barker Memorial Streetview
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